The mission may require the battalion to systematically clear an area of all enemy. They may be a potential source for TAC HUMINT assets; act as guides, liaisons, or translators; and provide subject-matter expertise on local public facilities such as refineries, power plants, and water works. Conventional lateral boundaries often do not apply as enemy forces control some stories of a building while friendly forces control others floors in the same building. SBCT and battalion commanders and staffs should use these fundamentals when planning UO. Battalions involved in urban operations must conduct missions in and among the residents of the area. Vukan R. Vuchic (2005). (4)     Secure a Foothold. Failure to adequately shape the urban AO creates unacceptable risk. Structures reduce radio ranges; however, remoting the antennas to upper floors or roofs may improve communications and enhance operator survivability. The complexity of urban environment changes and often compresses many tactical factors typically considered in the planning process. Figure 6-7 depicts a sample task organization for an SBCT infantry battalion conducting offensive urban operations that consist of a main effort, two supporting efforts, and a reserve. Figure 6-12 depicts an SBCT attacking to seize and clear OBJ EAGLE using the cordon and attack technique. Target engagement from horizontal and vertical oblique angles demands superior marksmanship skills. Well-planned and executed defensive operations have four elements: assess, shape, dominate, and transition. d.     Obscuration. For example, the commander must determine if clearing means every building, block by block, or seizure of a key objective, which may require clearing only along the axis of advance. (See FM 3-06.11. Use of news media channels in the immediate area of operations for other-than-emergency communications must also be coordinated through the S1 or civil affairs officer. The battalion must be prepared to conduct UO operations in both contiguous and noncontiguous areas of operations. a.     Ambushes and Battle Positions. Examples include--, 6-14. Understanding the urban society requires comprehension of--. Future urban battles may see large segments of the populace remain in place, as they did in Budapest and Grozny. (See Appendix C, Sniper Employment.). SBCT scheme of maneuver, nodal attack. Whether they are purpose-built or adapted, many weapons may have greater than normal utility in an urban environment while others may have significant disadvantages. b. When defending predominately urban areas, the battalion commander must consider that the terrain is more restricted due to buildings that are normally close together. Combined arms forces use maneuver and situational understanding to position forces to accomplish their assigned missions in urban environments. Is the enemy using AA1 to infiltrate into the battalion area of operations? Join our SMARTnews mailing list to receive free email notification of new titles, updates, revisions, doctrinal changes, and member-only discounts to our SMARTbooks! They may require a designated rapid response element (or elements) in reserve in the event that enemy forces mass and quickly overwhelm an attacking battalion. Such an infiltration should be performed when visibility is poor and no civilians are in the area. Visual signals must be planned so they can be seen from the buildings. Messengers must plan routes that avoid the enemy. c.     Special considerations apply to shell and fuze combinations when buildings limit effects of munitions: d.     Target acquisition is difficult in urban terrain because the enemy has many covered and concealed positions and movement lanes. Moving by stealth on secondary streets using the cover and concealment of back alleys and buildings, the battalion may be able to seize key street junctions or terrain features, to isolate enemy positions, and to help following units pass into the urban area. (2)     In noncontiguous operations, the battalion may be required to operate independently, removed from SBCT CS and CSS assets by distance and time. Subterranean features such as--. In the example shown in Figure 6-13, companies would find, fix, and finish the enemy, or they would find and fix the enemy and the battalion would assign another company the task of finishing the enemy (sequential or alternate bounds). Introduction 6-1 6102. The activities of resistance groups may also benefit friendly forces. This approach placed an emphasis on standoff weapons and firepower. The mounted .50-caliber machine gun can also be used as direct fire support. For low-angle artillery, the dead space is about five times the height of the building. Urban Operations. If the mortar is fired in excess of 885 mils to clear a frontal mask, the enemy counterbattery threat is reduced. Rehearsals should start early in the troop-leading process. UO of all types are resource intensive and thus commanders must plan to conclude UO expediently yet consistent with successful mission accomplishment. Mortar high-explosive fires are used more than any other type of indirect fire weapon during urban combat. U.S. Army Spc. Further, during UO, the environment (rubble and debris) may dictate that evacuation be accomplished by litter carriers rather than by vehicle or aircraft. The battalion is most effective when deployed in two delaying echelons that alternate between conducting ambushes and fighting from battle positions. Subway systems, railways, and mass transit routes. Examples include--, b. It was written by LTC Darrel M. Daniel, commander, 2nd Bn, 26th Inf Regt, October, 1944, Battle of Aachen: "The battalion plan of action was as follows: one platoon of Company "F," with a light machine gun section, would stage the initial diversionary attack. After considering the factors of METT-TC, the battalion performs these tactical tasks: The battalion may receive the mission to seize a key node (or nodes) as part of the SBCT operation. Again, based on the battalion commander's intent and the defensive scheme of maneuver, boundary changes may be required in order to give companies more or less maneuver space. Learn more. Rain or melting snow often floods basements and subterranean areas, such as subways, and also makes storm and other sewer systems hazardous or impassable. Sewage treatment plants and flood control machinery can be used to implement WMD strategies or to make sections of the urban area uninhabitable. Close Combat. During this step, the roles and use of SOF, CS, and CSS units (civil affairs, PSYOP, medical, and military police) become more important with the requirements to maintain order and stabilize the urban area. For high-angle artillery, the dead space is about one half the height of the building. The S2 must work with PSYOP and civil affairs units to identify these threats and recommend, within the ROE, the appropriate preemptive action or response. The cycle begins when a vehicle is started from a depot (a garage, yard, or other location). a. Indirect fires may create unwanted rubble and collateral damage. Traffic engineering studies, traffic control devices, capacity and level of service analysis of freeways and urban streets. US Army Human Engineering Laboratory Public Transit Planning and Operation: Theory, Modeling, and Practice. Ambushes may focus on these soldiers while they are conducting resupply operations or moving in poorly guarded convoys. 3.26.1–33). The factors of METT-TC determine the mission end state and how the battle positions are oriented. Urban shaping operations may include actions taken to achieve or prevent isolation, understand the environment, maintain freedom of action, protect the force, and develop cooperative relationships with the urban population. g.     Aerial observers are effective for seeing behind buildings immediately to the front of friendly forces. Figure 6-12. c.     The infantry battalion is organized into infiltration companies with engineers and a reserve consistent with METT-TC. Extensive combat in large cities involves divisions and larger formations. The battalion's objective may be terrain- or force-oriented. Military maps normally do not provide sufficient detail for terrain analysis of an urban area. Structures and areas that dominate the urban area. Commanders use visualization, staffs use running estimates, and both use the IPB process to assess and understand the urban environment. (The battalion commander has determined that two intermediate objectives are necessary in order to seize OBJ DOG.). 2. Initial rounds are adjusted laterally until a round impacts on the street perpendicular to the FEBA. (See FM 34-130 for a detailed discussion of urban intelligence preparation of the battlefield.). (a)     Enemy forces may use the population to provide camouflage, concealment, and deception for their operations. a. In addition to being required to face symmetrical enemy threats, the battalion must be prepared to face enemy threats of an asymmetrical nature. Defend key and decisive terrain, institutions, or infrastructure. Website Development and Management by thirteen05 creative. Throughout its history the Army has fought enemies on urban terrain. The human dimension of the urban environment often has the most significance and greatest potential for affecting the outcome of UO. Many features on our site require Javascript & Cookies. Ground observation is limited in urban areas. Threats, in addition to conventional forces, may consist of--. However, commanders should not allow casualty rates to reduce attempts to limit civilian casualties. Commanders and staffs may have to analyze the urban area to identify critical infrastructure. The ROE may require modification based on the type of mission to be conducted. c.     Focus the axis of advance on the enemy's weaknesses while maintaining adequate force protection measures. Modern Experience in City Combat Understand A cordon is a type of isolation. "From 1942 to the present, shock units or special assault teams have been used by attackers (and often by defenders) with great success. (5)     Employ Urban-Oriented Weapons. Examples of asymmetrical threats include terrorist attacks, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), electronic warfare (to include computer-based systems), criminal activity, guerilla warfare, and environmental attacks. Target acquisition may be more difficult because of the increased cover and concealment afforded by the terrain. As stated earlier, we will concentrate on precision-clearing operations. The battalion should prepare battle positions carefully and deliberately, reinforce them with obstacles and demolished buildings, and support them using artillery and mortars. When possible, employ multiple and supporting axes of advance. Urban environments also provide many passive dangers such as disease from unsanitary conditions and psychological illnesses. Using ISR assets and satellite imagery, the staff can develop urban maps that include a common reference system (such as numbering buildings) to assist subordinate unit C2. The strongpoints and reserves are normally deeper in the city. (1)     Existing Structures and Masking. b. The defensive techniques chosen by subordinate companies should allow them to respond to the specific threats in their respective AOs, battle positions, or sectors. Figure 6-16 depicts an SBCT conducting multiple nodal attacks. a.     Troop Density, Equipment, and Ammunition. Multiple attacks, as depicted in Figures 6-16 and 6-17, require precise maneuver and supporting fires. This section provides special METT-TC considerations for UO. At the battalion level, an attack of an urban area usually involves the sequential execution of the following tactical tasks. A deliberate offensive operation is a fully synchronized operation that employs all available assets against the enemy's defense, IAW with the ROE. Upper floors and roofs provide the urban enemy forces excellent observation points and battle positions above the maximum elevation of many weapons. Assault teams typically contain Infantry with variable combinations of armor, artillery, or engineers. Asymmetrical threats are most likely to be based in and target urban areas to take advantage of the density of civilian population and infrastructure. h.     Radar can locate many artillery and mortar targets in an urban environment because of the high percentage of high-angle fires. Terral Leaks from Long Branch, N.J., 15th Air Support Operation Squadron, Fort Stewart, Ga., calls for close-air support during a patrol in Sayed Abad District, Wardak province, Afghanistan, April 4, 2011. This variety exists not only among different cities but also within any particular urban area. Contingency plans in the event that the battalion must conduct breakout operations. g.     Special Considerations. (2)     When using HE ammunition in urban fighting, only point detonating fuzes should be used. The enemy situation must permit the attacking force to divide its forces and seize key nodes. The digitized SBCT infantry battalion derives considerable advantages from its ABCS equipment. synchronized combined-arms operation under the control of a maneuver commander. d.     ROE Modification. During the mission analysis, the plan should focus on the factors of METT-TC. The use of existing structures (for example, garages, office buildings, or highway overpasses) for positions is recommended to afford the best protection and lessen the camouflage effort. b. Some … • Focuses on effective usage of the following main home station urban training facilities or, with modifications, it can also support urban training in nonstandard facilities: -- Urban Assault Course (UAC) -- Shoot House (SH) -- Breach Facility (BF), and At a minimum, this requires control of key terrain. Urban operations require centralized planning and decentralized execution; therefore, the staff must develop a detailed plan that synchronizes the battle operating systems in order to meet the commander's intent and provide subordinate units with the means to accomplish the mission. Urban enemy weapons are much like the nature of urbanization and the urban environment: inventive and varied. Normally, the battalion conducts defensive operations as part of the SBCT. Whether it is at the lower end of the range of military opera-tions such as NEOs or high-intensity combat, marines must be pre- pared to fight effectively. All commanders must ensure their soldiers understand and follow the established ROE. The battalion must be prepared to conduct different missions simultaneously. These shaping operations set the conditions for decisive operations at the tactical level in the urban area. Securing a foothold involves seizing an intermediate objective that provides cover from enemy fire and a location for attacking troops to enter the urban area. SUTS3: The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, 3rd Ed. a. Planning and preparation for UO are generally the same as for operations on open terrain. The increasing availability of sophisticated technology has created unorthodox operational approaches that can be exploited by potential opponents. These include screening civilians, prohibiting unauthorized movement, diverting or controlling refugee movements, and evacuating. The IPB must consider the three-dimensional environment of urban areas: airspace, surface, and subsurface. Mortar and artillery fire can be used to divert the enemy's attention and cover the sound of infiltrating troops. In turn, this visualization forms the basis of operational design and decisionmaking. Battalions may bypass, move through, defend in, or attack enemy forces in towns as part of division operations. Figure 6-5. Sound policies, discipline, and consideration will positively affect the attitudes of the population toward Army forces. The engineer effort should be centralized to support the preparation of battle positions at first, then decentralized to support the force committed to ambush. Offensive UO normally have a slower pace and tempo than operations in other environments. Browse our collection of Military Reference SMARTbooks to learn more. The battalion commander and staff must allocate sufficient time to subordinate units to conduct rehearsals. Mortars are the most responsive indirect fires available to infantry commanders and leaders. Urban Operations II - Offensive and Defensive Operations Introduction - The purpose of this handout is to help you, the student, gain a working knowledge of conducting offensive and defensive operations in an urban environment. Troops require additional equipment such as ladders, ropes, grappling hooks, and other entry equipment. Mortars are well suited for combat in urban areas because of their high rate of fire, steep angle of fall, and short minimum range. An area defense concentrates on denying an enemy force access to designated terrain for a specific time and is the type of defense most often used for defending an urban area. A practical solution is to use existing civilian systems to supplement the unit's capability, understanding that this is a non-secure method of communication. The battalion commander and staff must consider the strength, composition, disposition, and activities of the enemy. The populace of a given urban area represents key terrain; the side that manages it best has a distinct advantage. Vitally, these fundamentals help to ensure that every action taken by a commander operating in an urban environment contributes to the desired end-state of the major operation. The end state of all UO transfers control of the urban area to another agency or returns it to civilian control. ADP Land Operations is the British Army’s core doctrine. If the enemy counterattacks, the battalion may establish a hasty defense (Figure 6-14). a. In planning UO, the commander and staff must take these factors into account. Find Fundamentals of Operations, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women at Urban College of Boston (Urban College of Boston), along with other Math and Logic in Boston, Massachusetts. Principles of war are rules and guidelines that represent truths in the practice of war and military operations.. TRANSITION – Perhaps, this is the piece we think least about and as history has shown the piece that needs to be thought the most. The commander orients the plan on the enemy rather than terrain. Civil affairs and PSYOP assets should be coordinated with the appropriate command and control warfare or information operations planning headquarters. (5)     Clear an Urban Area. Electrical distribution systems, power stations, and emergency services. e.     Isolate the objective area and establish a foothold at the point of entry. The risks from friendly fires, ricochets, and fratricide must be considered during planning. Isolation begins with the efforts of special operations force (SOF) units controlled by higher headquarters to influence enemy and civilian actions. During World War II and the recent Middle East conflicts, light mortar HE fires have been used extensively during urban combat to deny the use of streets, parks, and plazas to enemy personnel. The outskirts of a town may not be strongly defended. The transition plan may include returning control of the urban area to another unit or agency a portion at a time as conditions permit. It includes the sustainment operations, rapid repositioning, and reorganization of maneuver forces and reconnaissance and security forces. Battalion delay in an urban area. b. If the attacker fails to isolate the urban area, the defender can reinforce and resupply his forces, thus protracting the operation and significantly decreasing the attacker's resources and will to continue. b. (Planning & Conducting Tactical Operations)” by The Lightning Press. The commander's critical information requirements directly affect his decisions and dictate the successful execution of tactical operations. Continuous illumination requires close coordination between the FO and FDC to produce the proper effect by bringing the illumination over the defensive positions as the enemy troops approach the buildings (Figure 6-8). Figure 6-21 depicts the changed battalion task organizations, the extended boundaries, and the directed OPs. d.setTime(d.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 * 1000); Two Delaying Echelons. (c)     The civilian population may also serve as an important intelligence source for the enemy. When conducted properly, combined-arms rehearsals identify potential problems in the synchronization of the plan between maneuver, combat support, and combat service support elements. During transition, the battalion continues to use all CS and CSS assets consistent with the mission end state and ROE to move from offensive operations to stability or support operations. Commanders and leaders must ensure that the ROE are clearly stated and widely disseminated at the beginning and conclusion of each day. The close proximity of enemy and friendly troops requires careful coordination. These compressed tactical factors include—. Facilities for mass communications, such as cellular phones, computer hubs, radio, and telephone. Browse additional military doctrine articles in our SMARTnews Blog & Resource Center. The purpose of such deployments will be to neutralize or stabilize extremely volatile political situations, to defeat an enemy force that has sought the protection afforded by urban terrain, or to provide assistance to allies in need of support. d.     Existing Systems. The media coverage of the Tet Offensive of 1968 affected the will of both the American people and their political leadership. At that time they consolidate, reorganize, and arrange for mutual support. f.     Buildings. Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Threats. Power lines, telephone lines, and raised cables that may be hazards to helicopters. The sheer number of … Included with the maps are overlays that categorize sections of the urban area by ethnicity, religious affiliation, and other prevailing characteristics that could affect operations (Figures 6-3 through 6-6). Consolidation may also include activities in support of the civilian population, such as the relocation of displaced civilians, reestablishment of law and order, humanitarian assistance and relief operations, and restoration of key urban infrastructure. FUNDAMENTALS OF URBAN OPERATIONS The fundamentals described in this paragraph apply to UO regardless of the mission or geographical location. In an urban area, the defender must take advantage of the abundant cover and concealment. Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 100, 2nd Edition. Urban operations are usually conducted against enemy forces fighting in close proximity to civilians. Please make sure these are both enabled in your browser settings. Both the shooter and target may be inside or outside the buildings. An operable civilian phone system, for instance, can provide a reliable, although nonsecure, means of communication. Initial map and aerial photograph reconnaissance can identify key terrain and other important locations in the AO. However, it does not perform well against reinforced concrete found in larger urban areas. The commander and staff must understand the composition, activities, and attitudes of the civilian population within the urban area, to include the political infrastructure. (PREVIOUS EDITION), Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 2 – Interagency Planning & Process, Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 3 – Information Operations. & resource Center understanding requires the continuous supply of Classes I, III, V, and allows the may... More effective overall defense or can not be surrounded or bypassed with associated urban sprawl cover of. Fire when communications are degraded due to power lines, and innovative Logistics measures usually requires a density. Close distances among adjacent battalions, supporting assets, and subsequent missions RPGs... 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