safeguarding training to over 1,500 schools across the United Kingdom. I would very much recommend the services of SSS Learning to encompass all safeguarding requirements for training, it is quick and easy to issue courses and I consider their offer a fair price. OSCB Safeguarding Training Requirements . He is an experienced educator holding a number of key roles in safeguarding. The rest of school staff, including volunteers, must have their safeguarding skills and knowledge updated at least annually. School staff must always be alert to any potential issues with children and must know when, and how, to act on concerns. Provision must be safe and non-discriminatory, and in line with Working together to safeguard children and Section 11 requirements as set out in the Children Act 2004. The content is designed to match the requirements of different job roles and levels. the use of learning walks) or specific inspection arrangements (e.g. completed the course. education/training (e.g. One of the key focuses for schools is ensuring that all adults in the school community understand the safeguarding risks for young children and make sure training is given when necessary. basic training requirements of your role and it is incredibly important to keep List of information about Safeguarding children. Variants are available for vulnerable adults in their work. They are the same as for any community or voluntary organisation working with children and young people. It is one of the Simply, of the people conducting an interview has done safer recruitment training. All staff should have safeguarding and child protection training. Choosing a training provider There are a large number of providers offering safeguarding and child protection training including charities, generic training companies, specialist training companies, freelance trainers, and … Pre-requisites for Safeguarding Training . Safeguarding training (also sometimes referred to as child protection training) is a legal requirement for all professionals who come into contact with children and vulnerable adults in their work. Duration: 48 mins (approx) Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. From September 2018, schools are required to publish information on their websites around safeguarding. We have designed this guide to help you to select the most appropriate pathways for your learners. They cover the key points from part 1 of KCSIE that your staff need to know. ” — Julie Conner, Heather Ridge Infant School. There is also separate guidance for people working in sectors such as education, healthcare, early years, childcare and social work. Find out what this should include, and how this differs for the DSL, headteachers, governors and volunteers. In fact … It doesn’t really matter what role you have – whether you’re teaching part-time, working in the admin offices, or … It These requirements differ depending on a person’s role and whether they work directly with children or have a specific safeguarding responsibility. Safeguarding , available to members of Safeguarding Training Centre from The Key, can help you deliver safeguarding training effectively. . safeguarding training, every member of staff will also need to be trained in Shouldn’t the ‘here’ be a link Bryony? Dance School Safeguarding Services is here to support and advise you. Safeguarding Training Centre has made my role as a DSL so much easier and more time efficient. Because this important aspect of schools safeguarding training is something you will Level 2 Generalist Safeguarding training: 1. answer any safeguarding-related questions. It's a good idea that the governor responsible for safeguarding receives Prevent training, even though it's not required (see the last section of this article for training resources on this). their essential reading, and because Ofsted will perform spot-checks to test Keeping Children Safe in Education online course breaks the document down into we offer a separate e-Safety Training course developed specifically Itâs the most cost-effective Safeguarding ensures children grow up with safe and effective care and are given the best This includes being able to recognise the signs and indicators of abuse and knowing how to follow their organisation’s safeguarding and … It is therefore good practice for child protection and safeguarding training to be done at least annually. course format will not only make your training records easy to evidence to Our safeguarding offer has comprehensive training content, meeting the safeguarding training needs for those working with children, young people and adults. Meet your own CPD needs. Find out what this should include, and how this differs for the DSL, headteachers, governors and volunteers. Make sure that the safeguarding system within your school or setting is effective and supports the wellbeing of your pupils. Please get in touch by calling us on Safeguarding Training Requirements We all know that those people who come into contact with children almost every day are those who are best placed to recognise when children are at risk. The training has been devised by Tim Pinto who has worked in the area of e-safety for over eight years. The Responsibilities of the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead DSLs for schools should: Hold a Level Three Designated Safeguarding Lead Training qualification. Inspectors are not required to work through them exhaustively when covering any specific aspect on an inspection. guidance on inspecting church schools). safeguarding training certificates and can prove their knowledge of you work in a school. up to date with your safeguarding training. Icon Innovation Centre, We are realistic and optimistic in our approach. Our School phases: All, Service provider: The Key Support Services Limited, Be in line with advice from the local 3 safeguarding partners (the LA, a clinical commissioning group for the area in the LA, and the chief of police for the area in the LA). Our online safeguarding training course is suitable for everybody working at your school – now including dedicated governor training – and will help ensure all required safeguarding training is handled efficiently and completed on-time, for the benefit of all. childrenâs lives. training teaches you to protect the welfare of children and vulnerable people, This training should be updated every 2 years. If you're joining a newly established school, such as a free school, you must complete the training before the school opens. Child Protection Company offices are open from 9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. As part of safeguarding training each year, and especially with new members of staff, it is worth re-emphasising the importance of taking accurate registers in every lesson as part of school’s safeguarding requirement. Taking time to read and digest safeguarding developments, Understand the assessment process for providing early help and intervention, for example through locally agreed assessment processes, Have a working knowledge of how LAs conduct child protection case conferences and child protection review conferences, and attend and contribute to these effectively when required, Ensure each member of staff has access to and understands the school’s child protection policy and procedures, especially new and part-time staff, Be alert to the specific needs of children in need, those with special educational needs (SEN) and young carers, Understand relevant data protection legislation and regulations, especially the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR, Understand the importance of information sharing, both within your school, and with the 3 safeguarding partners and other agencies, Be able to keep detailed, accurate, secure written records of concerns and referrals, Understand and support the school with regards to the requirements of the Prevent duty, and be able to provide advice and support to staff on protecting children from the risk of radicalisation, Understand the unique risks associated with online safety, and be confident you have the knowledge and capability to keep children safe while online at school, Recognise the additional risks that children with SEN and disabilities (SEND) face online, and be confident you have the capability to support SEND children to stay safe online, Obtain access to resources and attend any relevant or refresher training courses, Encourage a culture of listening to children and taking account of their wishes and feelings, among all staff, in any measures the school may put in place to protect them. Before becoming the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), or a deputy, you must complete training that provides you with the knowledge and skills to perform the role. In this five-minute guide, we will outline and discuss the various food hygiene requirements in schools that are required in the UK. This really is the best way to stay informed and to ensure your school is up to date with all your safeguarding requirements. School safeguarding Monitor safeguarding concerns, keep your staff training up-to-date and meet inspection requirements. We pride ourselves on providing bespoke, relevant and practical training, guidance and advice regarding all aspects of safeguarding in schools. on this website today. the simple touch of a button, you can easily evidence that all staff have read and This training covers key aspects of online safety for those working in schools and colleges. Added a link to the guidance 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers'. Training requirements All … courses, to assist in your staffâs understanding of the key document and to Inspection and health and safety, particularly in further education and skills providers 34 Annex 6. safeguarding by answering questions related to safeguarding policies and Schools in England are inspected and judged on the effectiveness of their safeguarding arrangements and need to demonstrate that they are meeting their statutory responsibilities. Contact us. Gentle reminder for all practitioners wanting to attend OSCB's Level 2 and Level 3 Safeguarding Webinars. Each school must have a minimum of two Designated Safeguarding Leads who require specialist training every two years. Our safeguarding offer has comprehensive training content, meeting the safeguarding training needs for those working with children, young people and adults. Statutory Guidance. It's best practice for academies to also adhere to this. Give staff an awareness of the school's safeguarding systems, including: The safeguarding response to children going missing from education, The staff behaviour policy/code of conduct, The role and identity of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and any deputies, Are aware of their local early help process and understand their role in it, Are aware of the process for making referrals to children’s social care and for statutory assessments under the Children Act 1989, Know what to do if a child tells them they're being abused or neglected, Know the indicators that may signal that children are at risk from, or are involved with, serious violent crime, be aware of the associated risks and understand the measures in place to manage them, Are familiar with your school's whistle-blowing procedures. It should be dated and signed by the most senior person (e.g. Safeguarding They need to be on top of things and should do some wider reading, so they’re equipped to discuss issues with the DSL if needed. ; Complete Safeguarding Children Training (refresher course) every 2 years and have easy access to the relevant resources. Safeguarding - Inspectors Priority #1 . The so itâs incredibly important to have an up to date safeguarding certificate if Additionally, The presentation and the information provided by the module is very good for delivering the statutory training requirements in schools. and equivalent inspecting bodies will mark all staff on their safeguarding embedding safeguarding in to the school. Safeguarding is one of, if not the first thing an inspector will look at when they visit your school. Certificate in Safeguarding in Schools (2020-21) About the Course. Certificate in Safeguarding in Schools (2020-21) About the Course. embedding safeguarding in to the school. important aspect of schools safeguarding training. One of the key focuses for schools is ensuring that all adults in the school community understand the safeguarding risks for young children and make sure training is given when necessary. This training must be updated every 2 years. Choosing a training provider There are a large number of providers offering safeguarding and child protection training including charities, generic training companies, specialist training companies, freelance trainers, and … From 30th September 2020, all coaches and leaders will need to engage in appropriate safeguarding training as a prerequisite to assessment. I would very much recommend the services of SSS Learning to encompass all safeguarding requirements for training, it is quick and easy to issue courses and I consider their offer a fair price. But is training the only factor you need to consider when It is important that school personnel has the required knowledge to help in safeguarding pupils. The details are listed below and can be found in our School Website Requirements Software and FREE School Website Requirements Guide. It is important that school personnel has the required knowledge to help in safeguarding pupils. Save time and improve wellbeing by cutting down internal meetings. The details are listed below and can be found in our School Website Requirements Software and FREE School Website Requirements Guide. we offer a separate Awareness of Prevent Duty online course developed appoint a designated safeguarding lead (DSL), who has undertaken safeguarding and child protection training provide parents with a named individual (such as the DSL) so they can raise safeguarding concerns, or if you are a lone provider provide the contact details of your local authority’s children’s services or the NSPCC helpline number Additionally, Academy groups may have an overarching policy but this must be adapted at a local level. need to be aware of as part of your professional duty. Ofsted If you’re joining a newly established school, such as a free school, you must complete the training before the school opens. All staff receive Level 1 Safeguarding training, as required in KCSIE 2020 and receive regular updates through staff meetings, briefings, emails etc. Responsibilities of the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead DSLs for schools should: Hold a Level Three Designated Safeguarding Lead Training qualification. your responsibilities under the Prevent strategy, If you're a member of Safeguarding Training Centre from The Key, use our. a complementary online course to help you keep on top of your records. our full suite of verifiable online safeguarding training courses for schools, To help schools with their planning I have outlined the basic requirements below. prominent as technology and social media becomes a bigger part of ours and yes, you do need safeguarding training to work in a school. All staff members receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training, at least annually to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively. Chair of Governors). From 30th September 2020, all coaches and leaders will need to engage in appropriate safeguarding training as a prerequisite to assessment. from the DfE. Meet your own CPD needs. It should be dated and signed by the most senior person (e.g. Daventry, Use our Safeguarding Training Centre to help you save time and stay compliant. Before becoming the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), or a deputy, you should complete training that provides you with the knowledge and skills to perform the role. Complete the OSCB Level 2 Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect 2020 eLearning Course 2. full overview of the processes and procedures necessary to deal with From September 2018, schools are required to publish information on their websites around safeguarding. life chances. . requirement for all professionals who come into contact with children and , the headteacher should have more training than an ordinary staff member, but this wouldn't necessarily need to be to the same level as the DSL. raises awareness of key online risks including how to deal with online Schools online safety training Safeguarding governor: Prevent training is recommended Someone on your board should take leadership responsibility for the school's safeguarding arrangements - this includes the Prevent duty. The training has been devised by Tim Pinto who has worked in the area of e-safety for over eight years. Ofsted will inspect , to be able to recruit in a way which makes sure you can filter out anyone who'd be unsuitable (see the last section of this article), Equal opportunities, and schools’ responsibilities under the, – there’s a crossover with safeguarding here in terms of understanding the implications of the legislation, Every governor and trustee should have safeguarding training. Part 1 in addition to Annex A. Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) is a piece of statutory government guidance Safeguarding - Inspectors Priority #1 . The SSCP gratefully acknowledges that the SSCP schools safeguarding set has been based on documents produced by Lancashire County Council. statutory safeguarding requirements. for schools, with a sister course e-Safety for Parents that is great for engaging You must also update your knowledge and skills “at regular intervals, but at … Safeguarding is the process of working to protect individuals (especially children and vulnerable adults) from harm such as abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We want you to have a safe and successful business and can offer training, support and consultation across a range of safeguarding and health and safety issues to help you develop best practice in your school. regulation 9 of the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009, Regardless of whether there is an expiry date on your certificate, it is good practice for you to regularly review your knowledge every, Keeping Children Safe in Education: changes from September 2020, Role of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), Gathering staff feedback on safeguarding: questionnaire, Keeping Children Safe in Education: proposed changes from September 2021, Keeping Children Safe in Education: summary, Online safety: how to review your approach, Recording general safeguarding issues: guidance and template, Recording safeguarding information: guidance and template, Your weekly round-up for 1 - 8 January 2021, Your weekly round-up for 11 - 18 December 2020, Have your say on changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), Your weekly round-up for 4 - 11 December 2020. training. understood Keeping Children Safe in Education to an inspector. specifically for schools who want to offer staff a more in-depth look at this ; Ensure that there is an effective child protection policy and staff code of conduct in place. This briefing outlines Ofsted’s requirements for safeguarding and what happens during an inspection. covers everything your staff need to know about the Prevent duty and what's expected of them. You should also update your knowledge and skills "at regular … Each school must have its own safeguarding policy. Assessment of risk in settings that children attend because individuals reside on the premises or have access to children and young people 36. Further information on the Ofsted requirements for safeguarding in schools in England from September 2019 is available in the NSPCC Briefing Ofsted requirements for safeguarding in schools in England. School staff members should know about the systems that are in place in their school or college for supporting the safeguarding of pupils. The system will not allow you to book a Webinar if you have not completed your Pre-requisite eLearning course. Added a link to the guidance 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers'. We have designed this guide to help you to select the most appropriate pathways for your learners. All of our online child protection and safeguarding courses are written by safeguarding experts to meet the exacting needs of the education sector and are specifically designed to meet the requirements of Ofsted, Estyn, Education Scotland, ISI and ETI.… This includes ensuring all staff have current, verifiable This really is the best way to stay informed and to ensure your school is up to date with all your safeguarding requirements. Keeping Schools, colleges and children's services : Safeguarding children - detailed information - GOV.UK Skip to main content to develop and support robust safeguarding practices amongst all staff. on your role within the school, you will either need to read Part 1 only, or At MOORSIDE HIGH SCHOOL we have a robust Safeguarding training schedule for all staff, which is monitored by the DSL. Regularly here means "as required, and at least annually". Safeguarding training is an essential part of continuous professional development for every member of staff who works in a school setting in the United Kingdom. Each school must have its own safeguarding policy. All staff should have safeguarding and child protection training. written for schools and colleges across the United Kingdom, and it is your Closely This makes staff training a fundamental aspect of developing an effective whole school approach to safeguarding children. and time-saving solution for schools who want to meet all of their safeguarding safeguarding incidents in the correct manner. Rolling out the document to all staff in our unique training Safeguarding Guidance on writing a safeguarding report to the Governing Board. Depending safety forms a huge aspect of safeguarding training and is only becoming more Not only this, but school staff must ensure they are knowledgeable on relevant legislation and understand the structure of safeguarding in their school. Ofsted, it will also save you days of time on administration, as the Child Required knowledge of school personnel regarding safeguarding. We are realistic and optimistic in our approach. It is now expected that instead of the previous child protection training every three years, schools will raise awareness of a wide-range of safeguarding topics on a regular basis. What are the legal safeguarding requirements for out-of-school setting or a supplementary school? ” — Julie Conner, Heather Ridge Infant School. Anyone working with Children, Young People and Families . bestselling Safeguarding in Education online training course is Duration: 48 mins (approx) Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. Setting aside the question of good practice and building capacity to safeguard all children, the minimum schools must do is: Keep a record of staff training, including type of training and dates Offer training to all staff on a … Education In fact … Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 places a statutory duty on Local Authorities and governing bodies of maintained schools to have arrangements in place to ensure that they safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Alongside basic your staff members on child protection and safeguarding. Our associate education … The content is designed to match the requirements of different job roles and levels. Our Meet the requirements of training all your staff and governors. legal duty to read all appropriate parts of the document if you work in At MOORSIDE HIGH SCHOOL we have a robust Safeguarding training schedule for all staff, which is monitored by the DSL. easily digestible parts, presented in the style of our bestselling schools safeguarding NN11 0QB. we know how tricky it can be to keep up to date with who has or hasnât done Duty training and Online Safety training. School and College Clubs How To Get Involved Colleges ... we will be introducing changes to our safeguarding requirements for both coaches and leaders. At it comes to effective safeguarding in a school? those who work in the Early Years and Music Education. Make sure that the safeguarding system within your school or setting is effective and supports the wellbeing of your pupils. of Smart Horizons Ltd. Company Number 6448634, VAT Number 105 0250 78, Welcome to the home of the Child Protection Company, List of information about Safeguarding children. Northamptonshire, © Copyright 2021 Child Protection Company, a trading name Eastern Way, Safeguarding requirements in further education and skills providers that are not colleges 31 Annex 5. Georgia Crew, Pupil Support and Safeguarding Lead at Reach Academy Feltham. already experienced harm in the form of violence, abuse, neglect, or ; Complete Safeguarding Children Training (refresher course) every 2 years and have easy access to the relevant resources. Stuart Maginnis, Deputy Headteacher at Weydon School . it would be good practice for the headteacher to be trained to the same level as the DSL. training (also sometimes referred to as child protection training) is a legal your staffâs knowledge of Keeping Children Safe in Education, we have developed It’s essential that all staff who work with children and vulnerable individuals are compliant with statutory safeguarding policy and know how to respond when faced with issues of harm and abuse. You We want you to have a safe and successful business and can offer training, support and consultation across a range of safeguarding and health and safety issues to help you develop best practice in your school. Most of the time, it can be difficult to tell whether you’re doing enough to keep children safe, or whether you should be doing more. Safeguarding Training for Schools We specialise in safeguarding training for primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. School safeguarding Monitor safeguarding concerns, keep your staff training up-to-date and meet inspection requirements. Safeguarding is one of, if not the first thing an inspector will look at when they visit your school. To view The policy should be specific to each setting., being clearly and concisely written. School staff members should know about the systems that are in place in their school or college for supporting the safeguarding of pupils. will also be inspected periodically on your knowledge of the Prevent Duty, and Headteachers will be the case manager if an allegation is made (see page 58 of Keeping Children Safe in Education), so need to be confident in how to handle this. Academy groups may have an overarching policy but this must be adapted at a local level. We’ll also provide information regarding dietary requirements common in schools, the different types of allergens and how they interact with the body, food hygiene training requirements for school staff, and take a detailed look at what food hygiene entails. please click here. the following: Online This training covers key aspects of online safety for those working in schools and colleges. It is now expected that instead of the previous child protection training every three years, schools will raise awareness of a wide-range of safeguarding topics on a regular basis. You should also update your knowledge and skills "at regular intervals, but at least annually". All of our online child protection and safeguarding courses are written by safeguarding experts to meet the exacting needs of the education sector and are specifically designed to meet the requirements of Ofsted, Estyn, Education Scotland, ISI and ETI.… All staff receive Level 1 Safeguarding training, as required in KCSIE 2020 and receive regular updates through staff meetings, briefings, emails etc. to develop and support robust safeguarding practices amongst all staff. The supplementary guidance documents do not aim to be comprehensive. is the process of working to protect individuals (especially children and This is because primary schools often have smaller leadership teams, and the headteacher may be more involved in dealings with parents and other agencies. Chair of Governors). unique Keeping Children Safe in Education online course, please click here. Coronavirus: which pupils can attend school during partial closure? Bespoke Whole School/Early Years Safeguarding Training >> Two-hour basic awareness training suitable for all members of staff; Provides an overview of staff’s responsibilities and current priorities, developing their ability to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns and contribute to a safe culture. Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 places a statutory duty on Local Authorities and governing bodies of maintained schools to have arrangements in place to ensure that they safeguard and promote the welfare of children. A vulnerable adults) from harm such as abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Our Schools, colleges and children's services : Safeguarding children - detailed information - GOV.UK Skip to main content course page. → We provide in depth training from a safeguarding specialist who is also a dance school owner → Have your questions answered → Course updated after the changes in guidance in October 2020 Bespoke Whole School/Early Years Safeguarding Training >> Two-hour basic awareness training suitable for all members of staff; Provides an overview of staff’s responsibilities and current priorities, developing their ability to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns and contribute to a safe culture. to effective safeguarding policies within your school. It’s essential that all staff who work with children and vulnerable individuals are compliant with statutory safeguarding policy and know how to respond when faced with issues of harm and abuse.
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