Battle one Pokemon against an entire league or cup. Let's Go, Eevee! So, bringing an ally with a Fighting move will give them higher chances of dealing super-effective damage. Remember - no matter what League you participate in, you are after Pokémon with a decent amount of bulk (the ability to survive charged moves - type weakness depending - so you can fire off a few of your own) and those that best counter or expose weaknesses in the current meta (which is a term for what the community is using at present). $9.42. It can also be demoralizing for players who must trade for the pokemon hoping they weaken enough to get below the cp cap to get into a league such as Alolan Muk in Great league - He is meta relevant in both PVP leagues with caps and can only be acquired via a 7k egg. As mentioned above, there are some Dark-Type Pokémon that can really bring the offensive weaponry. Machamp weaknesses: Flying, Psychic, Fairy. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pokemon GO Trade 5x Alolan Muk | ULTRA LEAGUE | HIGH IV | CAUGHT FROM RAIDS at the best online prices at … Cresselia is also great for any fighting types that might appear. These are just a few of the top picks from the current Ultra League meta, but even this list is leaving out other amazing choices like Giratina, Togekiss, and Alolan Muk. I use sludge wave instead of gunk shot. Explore overall performance or individual matchups against a group of Pokemon. Recommended moves: Psycho Cut (fast), Future Sight (Charged) I recently brought A Muk back into my lineup (w/ giratina and armored mewtwo) and have climbed to 2700 (548 UL wins woo!). Free shipping . Muk has a new Alolan form introduced in Pokémon Sun/Moon. And fast charging is great for versatility. Poison Jab is better vs. Venusaur, A-Muk mirror, Swampert, Articuno, Lapras, Lucario. There's only one matchup where Snarl/SW is better than Snarl/GS, and that is Togekiss. Thanks to its range of charged moves - Crunch (Dark), Outrage (Dark) and Hydro Pump (Water) - means you have several options for matchups. The Alola League is composed of the Alola Elite Four members, along with the Champion.Recently founded by Professor Kukui, the Alola League does not yet have Gym Leaders.Instead, Pokémon Trainers from Alola recognized for their strength, such as those who have … Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee: Smells so awful, it can cause fainting. Below is our chart containing all the best Pokémon for your Ultra League team in Pokémon GO. Like Snorlax, this Pokémon is popular in the Ultra League. Muk is a large, sticky, amorphous Pokémon made of living purple sludge. Poison is too often resisted, dark isn't. Putting together a strong Pokémon Go Ultra League team is worth investing in now it's regularly part of the Go Battle League. Yeah. Scrafty 4 / 5. I currently run Armored Mewtwo with Confusion, Psystrike, Alolan Muk with snarl, dark pulse, sludge wave, and Giratina Altered with Shadow Claw, Dragon Claw and Ancient Power. However, in a lot of these cases the differences are pretty small - the differences are really only significant against Venusaur and the mirror. Safe, Cheap & Fast !! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pokémon GO - Alolan Muk Trade x10 - Ultra League PvP - Lucky Chance! I would put Machamp a tier lower than hariyama due to the worse stat balance with a 2500 cap. Besides that, you can also consider picking Alolan Muk, Charizard, Snorlax, and Mewtwo as a pick in Ultra League matches. GS is better against Articuno and Lapras. Alolan Muk Pvp Lv 17 Halloween Cup 2 Charge Move Pokémon Go Trade. Galvantula could actually be an interesting spicy pick even in open Ultra League, where it counters both Cresselia and Registeel, as well as Articuno, Togekiss and Obstagoon too. Comments for this article are now closed. Harder to find than some of the others in this list thanks to only featuring in 7km Eggs, if you can track one down, Alolan Muk has the potential to be a strong counter addition to your team. Ultra League - Togekiss Party (*) Indicates a Legacy move currently not learnable in-game. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pokemon Go TRADE - Alolan Muk Lv25 !! Muk’s coloration becomes increasingly vivid the more it feasts on its favorite dish—trash. Aside from its weaknesses, the other downside to Venusaur is that Frenzy Plant, Venusaur's best Grass-type move, is a Community Day exclusive. With it comes a level cap increase - including the addition of XL Candy, the Legacy 40 Challenge quest and boosts to some XP sources - Platinum Medals, the arrival of Gen 6 Pokémon such as Espurr and changes to the Go Battle League Holo Rare 58 $0.72 — View. Never miss a thing. RecommendedCarrion review - an unforgettable monster chews its way out of a solid Metroidvania, RecommendedRaji: An Ancient Epic review - a gorgeous adventure through architecture and myth, Ghost of Tsushima - Mythic Tales locations: Where to find all musicians and get Mythic armour rewards. Alolan Muk. I lead with Armored Mewtwo. Log Out; Find Muk in the Pokédex Explore More … Question. Togekiss 4 / 5. Free shipping . Mew 4 / 5. Mouse over to Zoom-Click to enlarge . Pokemon Go - GREAT LEAGUE PVP CP 1500 - Marowak Alolan- 2nd charge move. Through degeneration of its nose, it lost its sense of smell. There's also something comforting about having one of the most iconic Pokémon of all time in your team, right? Candy Farming. A match between GS A-Muks will come down to IVs regardless of fast move. Knock Off is Alolan Muk's secondary Dark-type STAB move that can be used against Ghost- and Psychic-types that might want to stay in while also removing the foe's item. $5.88. Pokemon Go Ultra League tier list August 2020 sees picks like Snorlaxx, Registeel, Alolan Muk and more at the top of the heap. Battle two groups of Pokemon against each other and see a matrix of the results. Snorlax 4.5 / 5. Let's Go, Pikachu! If you're running Snarl, you want Gunk Shot. Poison; Dark; HP Attack Defence Special attack Special defence Speed; 105: 105: 75: 65: 100: 50: Visit Bulbapedia for more about Alolan Muk. Today we bring a team showcased by JFarmakis to go 4-1 at Rank 10 in GO Battle League! ... Alolan Muk. The Best Pokémon for Ultra League in December 2020. Poison Jab pairs better with Sludge Wave against a lot of the Anti-meta, namely the charmers (Togekiss and Clefable), the fighters (Poliwrath and Lucario), Swampert, Venusaur, Snorlax, and the A-Muk mirror. About Play! Alolan Muk and other Poison Dark types are will definitely be common in the meta. Muk is a large, sticky, amorphous Pokémon made of living purple sludge. You can find Muk - Alola's best PvP movesets as well as their matchups against the most common defenders in Great League. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Gunk shot has helped me a lot when locked in a bad match up ie. Pokémon Go Alolan Muk , 3 Moves , Ultra League Pvp. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TheSilphArena community. Swampert - PJ turns a horrible loss into a slightly less horrible loss. $2.45. Typhlosion 4 / 5. Type: Water / Ground Forming a team is a tough challenge, requiring that you compare and contrast the types to make sure you have no gaping holes. What else do you run with your muk? Of course, this is assuming you are using a Dark move. While it has no visible legs, it does have two arms with three fingers on each hand. Poliwrath 4 / 5. Uncommon 79 $0.17 ... Ultra Rare 61 $1.67 — View. Free shipping for many products! Though it won't knock out a Giratina, it will certainly put up a good fight. Select two Pokemon from any league to fight a simulated battle. Original developer of Tomb Raider tried to salvage cancelled 10th Anniversary Edition with Indiana Jones and National Treasure pitches, Zelda: Breath of the Wild uses advanced Mii characters for NPCs, Modder reverse-engineers Nier Automata to discover its "final secret": a cheat code, Lego Island studio Mindscape fired staff to avoid paying bonuses. We've recently seen the addition of 'Strange' red eggs and new Arlo, Cliff, Sierra andGiovanni line-ups. Pursuit lets Alolan Muk trap Pokemon it forces out like Latias, Starmie, Cofagrigus, and Mega Sceptile. All Rights Reserved. About "From Muk's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Image not available. DPS value does not include the multiplier from IV or Pokemon's Levels. Type: Psychic You can change how the matrix results display on the Settings page. Ultra League !! The league of Giratina and Registeel is somewhat restrictive, and can be ... Alolan Muk: Snarl + Dark Pulse and Gunk Shot or Sludge Wave; Poliwrath: Mud Shot + Ice Punch and Dynamic Punch; Melmetal's an interesting mon. Alolan Muk has been amazing to use as a safe switch at 2800 MMR for Pokemon GO Battle Ultra League! Muk (Alola Form) is a Poison & Dark Pokémon which evolves from Grimer. Alolan Muk is a menace to Ultra League Meta. Safe, Cheap & Fast !! Alolan Muk - Learnable & Recommended Move Sets Recommended Move Sets *Recommended move are rated based on its DPS, EPS, Matching Type Damage Multiplier (x1.2), windup time and number of effective types. We cannot tell you what team to use, as it up to you. It is, of course, another Legendary, making it both hard-to-find and expensive - so if you want a cheaper steel alternative, Steelix comes in handy. Thanks for taking part! Pokémon; Play! Type: Fairy / Flying So, if yo… Charizard 4 / 5. Some other observations: Giratinas - Snarl is a significant win, PJ is a narrow win. Despite what you may think, a higher CP doesn't always translate to the strongest choice. Articuno 4 / 5. Gyarados weaknesses: Electric, Rock. $5.82. Explore overall performance or individual matchups against a group of Pokemon. Alolan Muk weaknesses: Ground. Battle one Pokemon against an entire league or cup. Learn all about the Max CP, Base Stats, Recommended move, Type Strength and Weakness, Rating and Climate Boost for Alolan Muk in Pokemon Go!

Alolan Muk is only weak to Ground, but it also no longer resists Fighting, which is why Kantonian Muk was a viable defender in the first place. I recently brought A Muk back into my lineup (w/ giratina and armored mewtwo) and have climbed to 2700 (548 UL wins woo!) Yes, you can use regional variants in the Kanto Cup, which means Alolan Muk is viable. Recommended moves: Poison Jab (fast), Dark Pulse and Acid Spray or Sludge Wave (charged) There is no one 'best' team you can choose - since, as mentioned previously, you don't know what you are up against - and not everyone has access to every type of Pokémon. Customize movesets, levels, IV's, and shields. Pokémon Go Alolan Muk , 3 Moves , Ultra League Pvp. It's very powerful for the CP range of the League, and provided it's not up against any counters - of which, as you'll find, most of our recommendations consist of due to its popularity in the meta - it can roll over most Pokémon. It’s a tough call tossing a trash can or hurling sludge. Category III: Best Pokemons for PvP Master League Picks. Ground-type attacks work excellent against both Alolan Muk and Registeel, and it has access to Hydro Cannon, the best Water-type charge move. Up. Type: Fire / Flying Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pokemon GO - Alolan Muk - Ultra League - HIGH IV - WEATHER BOOSTED at the best online prices at eBay! Opens image gallery. Type: Poison/Dark. Instead, here is a general list of recommended Ultra League Pokémon to build a team from, with a wide range of sources that should suit all players, whether you've been collecting creatures since day one or just started playing. Registeel Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Fire. When this happens, swap out Giratina for Swampert to take down the Alolan Muk. Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping . Togekiss's fairy fast move Charge can take on a Giratina and fighting types such as Machamp with ease, while Ancient Power is a good counter to edge out another Togekiss. The Ultra League is one of the online PVP modes in Pokémon GO that trainers can duel in. You will receive 10 Alolan Muk caught from weather boosted raids through trade. Battle two groups of Pokemon against each other and see a matrix of the results. Take the information about XL Pokémon with a grain of salt until we see it practice, but based on simulations and stats, they are looking very promising in the meta. -perfect for ultra league -level 33 highest possible level where iv 100 won’t exceed 2500 -cp and iv changes after trade 1 fast and 2 charge moves you choose I will tm Any questions ask 500+ transactions bid with confidence. Lickilicky 4.5 / 5. This means that Venusaur can only learn and use Frenzy Plant if Ivysaur is evolved into the third-stage evolution during a Bulbasaur themed Community Day. I've been running PJ + DP/SW, but this made me think about changing that. But these are the Pokémon that are currently in the meta right now. The stats chosen were for an IV combination of 9/9/9. at the best online prices at eBay! Recommended moves: Lick (fast), Superpower or Earthquake or Outrage (Charged) Cresselia is another Pokémon that, while it wouldn't shine in comparison to others Legendaries if CP wasn't capped, has great stats that allow it to punch above its weight in the Ultra League. Like the Great League, Community Day starters are a welcome source of easy-to-find Pokémon with stronger moves than usual, so if none of our recommendations suit your needs, that's another great place to start so you can begin climbing the ranks. Ultra League: • Kingdra (dragon breath, outrage, and hydro pump or blizzard) • Charizard (fire spin, blast burn, dragon claw) ... Alolan Muk (DP+GS) Alolan Sandslash (GB+Bl or Bd) I did not test Flygon yet, but I assume it is a good choice as well. ... Ultra Moon: Because they scatter germs everywhere, they’ve long been targeted for extermination, leading to a steep decline in their population. For more information, go here. Alolan Muk can be used to fight against Giratina. If you hatch an Alolan muk the worst possible outcome for that hatch is 10/10/10 at level 20. the same mon would qualify at level 19.5 which isn't possible. You do sacrifice a … Snorlax is a great defensive option for many reasons - it's weak to very few other types, and has general bulk to stay the distance in a fight. $5.88. Free shipping . Flamethrower, meanwhile, is helpful if you need to counter steel types - which it's weak against. Alolan Muk. Alolan Muk works better with bite in ultra, rather than poison jab, since fairies are rare in the competitive meta and ghost/psychic are abundant (giratina, cresselia, lati@s, Metagross, etc.) 193: 157: 116: Poison Jab Poison: Sludge Bomb Poison; Crunch Dark; Muk (Alola) @ level 33. Charizard weaknesses: Rock, Electric, Water. Let's Go, Eevee! If you're using Poison Jab, SW is better against Clefable, Togekiss, Snorlax, Venusaur (by a lot), and the A-Muk mirror. Poison Jab hits most Fairy-types, and in conjunction with Poison Touch it also has a 51% chance to poison the target. Though fighting isn't as prevalent in the Ultra League as it was in the Great League, they're still useful - and Machamp is strong enough to be worth considering if you're looking for something to round off some of the stronger picks in this list as an additional counter option. Ultra League !! Currently have Snarl, Dark Pulse, and Gunk Shot on my A Muk. I lead it into a variety of trainers and we come out on top each time. Snarl is way better. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pokemon Go TRADE - Alolan Muk Lv25 !! Since Cresselia is reasonably rare as Legendaries go, so it might be worth looking at Mew and Armoured Mewtwo if you want alternatives. Thanks to Focus Blast, Ampharos also keeps an edge against Snorlax, Alolan Muk and the Steel-types. Muk's strongest moveset is Snarl & Gunk Shot and it has a Max CP of 2,757. Up. The Ultra League is perhaps the most difficult one to plan for, because you don't have the creativity of the Great League's low CP requirement, or the no holds barred freedom of the Master League where the overall Best Pokémon rule (meta depending, of course). Enough in a bad match up ie a higher CP does n't always translate the. Also has an enormous mouth with a gray tongue and strands of ooze connecting its top and bottom.! 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